Have you been thinking lately how some aspects (or maybe all of them) definitely need some upgrading?
Spring is coming and maybe you are in need of some spiritual detox?
Or maybe you feel the fresh new energy of the 1st year of the cycle that urges you to make some drastic changes and make some changes in your life?
Well, it’s definitely a good time to make changes in your life and start fresh!
If you’ve been thinking about it, there is no better time than right now. You can keep on postponing forever OR you can get real and finally do it. Year 1 brings you lots of new opportunities that you are encouraged to take if you want to take those big leaps. However make sure you are truly ready! If you do it and you really can’t take on the challenge then you may be overwhelmed and drop the whole idea altogether.
Going through a transformation has several stages and I’d like you to take a moment and check where you are at right now.
1. Discontent – You feel like the walls are closing in on you from all sides, and the more you keep ignoring it and hoping it will all go away, the more it seems to overwhelm you. You keep postponing change cause it totally freaks you out! Even though everything around you is getting unbearable it is familiar and feels safe. Change is unknown and it means getting out of your comfort zone, so you prefer to suffer and pray it will all magically disappear.
2. Breaking Point – You get to your breaking point when you simply can’t live this way any longer! Usually you get to this point dues to extreme exhaustion or a dramatic event that triggers the break. I usually say – if you can’t take a hint from the Universe, it will literally stir you in the right direction, whether you like it or not. It’s for your highest good. Trust.
3. Decision – You hit rock bottom and you realize that there is no other way but to go up! You are ready to do whatever it takes to get you out of this situation so you can finally breathe. You want to make those changes and finally take the first step to improve your life which gives you a temporary relief and a sense of hope. You start seeing the light at the end of the tunnel.
4. Fear – Fear usually kicks in almost immediately after you feel empowered because the mind starts freaking out once things start changing. You suddenly feel uncomfortable and anxious about changing your life. You start doubting your decision and wonder if you’re taking the right steps. You feel helpless and empty.
5. Amnesia – This fear of change starts taking over (if you allow it) and suddenly your life doesn’t seem that bad. You forget why you started changing in the first place and feel more comfortable with your previous situation as it’s less stressful than making a change. It’s familiar, comfortable, and you’re used to it. It has become a part of your identity so you resist letting go.
6. Backtracking – If you allowed the fear of change to take over you probably convinced yourself to go back to the previous situation and stop the change process altogether. It’s the easier option and doesn’t take much effort. Most of all, you feel safe there no matter how difficult it is. You will learn to accept it as it is and you find reasons why that option is truly a better option for you.
Does this sound familiar to you? Where are you at the moment?
Suffering in silence, taking those steps or freaking out cause the changes are new?
The key is to actually stick with your decision and don’t allow the mind to trick you.
If you feel lost and helpless and need guidance, you simply need a support system. Going through a transformation isn’t easy and you don’t have to do it alone!
Here are some tips!
• Find a community of like-minded individuals to support you
• Get a coach to support and guide you through the process
• Sign up for a transformation program that will provide you with necessary steps
• Meditate daily to stay calm and keep your mind out of the way
• Set your intentions CLEARLY
• Write down your goals daily!
• Say your affirmations to program your mind
• Listen to brain entrainment and/or subliminal messaging music (check my Meditations library HERE)
• Do EFT to clear those limiting beliefs
Don’t wait for the Universe to kick you in the butt!