Thinking of starting your own business but not sure what you need and where to start?
Well, I’m here to help you out!
First of all you need to know what you want to be doing and who you want to serve. If you can’t answer that I suggest you check out my FREE WORKSHOP “LIVE WITH PASSION”, as that will give you clarity.
I suggest asking yourself these two questions:
- What problem do I want to be solving?
- Who would I most enjoy working with and who does this problem relate to?
I truly recommend getting clear on this before you get started…
Once you got this, there are several things you need to have your business:
- Your website
You definitely need a website where you can direct your tribe to. This is a place where you will tell more about who you are, what you do, what your mission is, who you work with, how you can help your people and where they can sign up to work with you/use your services or products.
2. A Facebook Page
You Facebook page is the one where people will be able to easily reach you. It’s a place to share your content – pics, inspirational quotes, advice, services and products, blog posts, linking it to your other social media, etc. This is where you connect with your people!
What I love about the FB page is that you can go live there and share those videos easily to other platforms (FB group and profile + embedding it on your website and mailing).
This page should truly show what you stand for and who you are so make sure you share from the heart content that is relevant to your target audience.
3. A Facebook Group
This is my favorite one as this is where I connect with my tribe the most! This is where I provide a lot of value and free content, to appreciate and honor my people and give thanks for their presence. Usually you need a welcome post where you share some freebies for your people, daily topics to inspire engagement and connect with them on daily basis, which also shows how you vibe and they can connect with you easier, as well as free master classes, challenges and/or guest speaker. It’s totally up to you how you want to structure this, but make sure to share from the heart and have everything align with your mission.
4. Mailing list
Mailing list is great to connect with your tribe via mailings, so they get valuable content in their inbox. I recommend weekly mailings to create consistency so they know what to expect. Normally you’d want to send out information about some upcoming events, new offers and invite them to some free events. Cherish your tribe and show them love!
5. Twitter/Instagram – pick one or both
This is entirely up to you and what you prefer. I LOVE Instagram, because I love taking pics and sharing inspirational content! I normally share on my FB page and profile from IG, and from experience IG stories (as well as FB stories) can help you connect with your tribe on another level.
Basically, you want to BE VISIBLE and put yourself out there! You need to be CONSISTENT with bringing value and content to your people with clear messaging so they know what you’re an expert in. That way once you have something to sell, they will know you provide quality content and will want to invest in working with you, as they know it will truly help them.
Hope this helps!
In this tutorial I will teach you how to create a cover / banner for your FB group in Canva from scratch, according to the NEW dimensions which screwed up everyone’s group covers! So if you’re one of those people check this out to learn how to adjust it properly so it looks nice and professional.